Monday, October 5, 2009

Pros and cons of hypermedia

Clearly hypermedia has many advantages. It is now easier than ever to find any type of information necessary. Are you writing a research paper and need references? Google it or find a book online. There is no need to drive to a library. You can even subscribe to medical journals and research papers online. If you want to learn anything you can most likely find a "how to" on the internet.

As I think about the grand accessibility to information over the internet I can't help but there such a thing as too many choices? It's significantly easier to make a decision if you have 3 options versus hundreds. Continuing with my previous example of a research paper... say you need references. You may attend a library and find a few books you can use. You know where to go and what to look for. Nowadays you can try search your topic online and be presented with thousands of possible answers. How do you know where to begin? You can't possibly read through everything.

I feel that with hypermedia it is easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of information available. We become so flooded with choices and information (true or false). At what point do we become overloaded and regress back to a book?

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