Monday, October 12, 2009

Blod Posts: Smashing Magazine

As far as blogs go, the one that stands out in my mind is smashing magazine ( I've been a frequent to the blog for several years and have always been impressed with all of their content regarding graphics, web development and the design field in general. This week they covered topics ranging from "minimizing complexity in user interfaces" to "how to persuade your users, boss or clients".
Of all the topics covered last week my favorite covered was an article about reviewing trends in iphone app design and how they have change in the two years since the products release. It covered in depth the problems that arose with the original app design and they evolved to better incorporate the touch interface.
Overall spending a week reviewing smashing magazine was actually pretty enjoyable i tend to blog most in the early morning right after i sit down at work but right before I'm actually productive enough to open up the project i'll be spending the rest of the day on. Thinking about it now, that pre-work ritual is actually the time when get most of my random web surfing done. I check my email accounts and review any other online content that i expect would be updated for me to sift through. Aside from that which is mainly recreational, I frequent blogs mostly when im in search of some kind of tutorial or scripting information that will help me through a problem in facing in one of my projects.
As for what's next in online communications, It's hard to say i mean between blogs, email, twitter, IM, skype and the multitude of other ways in which we can communicate online a lot of the communication possibilities are already covered although their is invariably many ways to improve and optimize them which is something the future in definitely holds.

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