Monday, October 12, 2009

All Songs Considered (NPR)

For this assignment, since I don't regularly follow one particular blog, I began my search for "electronic music production", "best music blogs" and unfortunately I came up empty handed. I mean there were blogs out there to read on these particular topics, but some of them seemed poorly updated and almost too obscure.

I eventually stumbled upon a NPR site and found a blog called "All Songs Considered" and was happy to have come across a professional, well maintained site. Over the course of the week, it has been updated regularly and although I don't care for every artist they write about, it gives a good insight onto what's happening in that world... oh and it's well written which is definitely a key, contributing element for my interests. The site is also visually pleasing and the site hierarchy isn't too bad either. You can "join" the community which allows you to post comments and receive emails to blog updates and other music information.

Blogs are a good source of information, I find out a good amount of answers on technical computer problems through searching blogs and for the most part they are correct. I think a downside to blogs are their creditability- unless you go with a "name brand" blog- who knows how true or far fetched the information could be? Another downside is a lack of commitment from the author - if people don't keep up with them or promote them, they are just wasted space online. I was happy to have came across the NPR site, not sure why I never thought to go there before this assignment.

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