Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It's Nice That

First things first, i'm a real bad blog follower (might be obvious from this blog alone). Most blogs I check are maybe on a weekly basis, possibly because they aren't updated all that often. I check some of the big ones; webdesignerwall, flight404, bestwebgallery, thefwa (considered a blog right?), but i don't really check them that often. One that I used to have a tendency to check frequently though was It's Nice That.

It's Nice That is a design blog that really focuses on a broad spectrum of design. When i first started looking at it, it was because I had an interest in the graphic design that was being showcased in the blog. Now however i have begun to notice and appreciate the wide range of fields that they draw work from. There, of course, is Graphic Design, But also digital, motion graphics, photography, sculptural, and informative discussions. The designers come from all parts of the worls and usually share a unique perspective on what design is to them. The other great thing about this blog is that it is primarily a redirect, where the blogger posts their idea on a work, but it's main goal is to redirect you to that designers page and do some promoting.

The blogs aesthetics also work well to it's advantages because it allows each piece of work to be showcased and not be influenced by the blog's design itself. I love this site because each time i come back to it there is always great content to look through, due to the fact that it is often updated multiple times everyday, perhaps up to 10 times even. This makes for a great archive of work to look through and great sources of inspiration, which i feel are essential to making a blog function as effectively as it can.

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