Monday, October 12, 2009

I'm Superficial

I tried reading other blogs every day. Design blogs, and media blogs. Industry-related blogs. And I do read them a few times a week - I read blogs by design firms, I read social media blogs like Mashable, and I frequent a whole bunch of blogs like Abduzeedo. But not every day. Most of them don't post every day, for one thing, but also, in my work-full-time, school-full-time, design-and-media-full-time busy life, there's only one blog I read every day.

Whether I'm stuck in traffic reading it on my iPhone, or taking a breather during class (I know, both make me a terrible person), there is one blog I rarely miss during the week. It's The Superficial, and I love it. With witty commentary on silly events, it's a break from whatever it is I'm actually involved in. It's celebrity gossip, and I hate to admit that I love it.

I guess what I learned here is that when it comes to blogs, for me, they're a break from my daily grind. I'm as busy as I've ever been in my life, and so when it comes to information in blog form, I want it to be worthless entertainment that does nothing but make me laugh, or be glad I'm not famous. And that's what The Superficial does, it provides a momentary escape from reality.

Anyway, without The Superficial, how would I find out that Miley Cyrus quit Twitter? Or the Lindsay Lohan is still certifiable? Or that Jon and Kate still exist?

1 comment:

  1. Elissa, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who visits that site every day. Another guilty pleasure of mine is I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys The Superficial.
