Sunday, September 20, 2009


It seems to me that creativity and innovation are universally bound. Creativity is the ability to create something new, fresh, interesting. It's using traditional methods and/or ideas in a new way, new ideas and/or methods altogether, or re-imagining what already exists to create something new.

In the digital realm, I think innovation and creativity are, as Terry said, certainly byproducts of a process. I also agree with Andrew, who talked in his post about innovation being an end result of creativity. When there is a goal in mind that is achieved by these means; using the same methods in a unique way, or applying new methods to something familiar, the final product often stands out and makes an impact. My favorite agency, Hello Monday, seems to have a real handle on this concept. Instead of "new for new's sake," Hello Monday reaches each project's goals, which oftentimes utilizes a rethinking of standard practice. For example, the first site I saw that they'd designed, Red Issue, features gestural navigation as a response to specific deliverables, which were to reflect the hand-drawn logo throughout the site, and create a free, fun, and playful environment for users that reflects the feel of the clothing featured on the site. This site feels like a great example of innovation and creativity on a digital platform through applying new methods to reach a goal.

As we contribute to the digital landscape, I think there is endless opportunities to be creative and innovative simply by striving to reach our goals through the best process, and recognizing where new ideas can be applied in order to best meet that goal.

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