Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Consequence of Ideas

A classical example of creativity is a great ad campaign. Especially one that can capture a culture's imagination. For example, the Gap swing commercial. Nike and VW advertising (circa the late nineties), and for much of the past decade, Apple commercials. The iPod ad campaign of silhouetted dancers on brightly colored backgrounds was creative and even in it's simplicity, innovative. There's no question it left a mark on our culture. While not quantifiable in it's emotional impact, the fact that it can be remembered collectively is a testament to it's significance as part of the human experience. But a larger part of that mark on our culture came from the innovation of the device it advertised.

In a short amount of time the iPod evolved to the significantly more innovative iPhone. Which isn't new technology, but a visionary revision of it. The iPhone brought pocket computing to the masses. Opening up a world of infinite access to people and data. This transformation goes beyond capturing a culture's imagination, it shapes who we are.

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