Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Virtual Reality

The third dimension has by this point become a very familiar part of our everyday lives wether its video games like Call of Duty (which came out today and is freakin awesome!) or more social virtual worlds like second life, the generations of the digital age have been fully saturated by it. As far as my interest in virtual reality, I've always been fascinated with 3D Modeling and the effects it can produce. This is kind of a side to the whole the topic of Virtual reality but I've been doing a lot of reading over the last couple months on three dimensional scanners and the imagery they can produce.
In particular their is a youtube video that totally blew me away at: ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=854ZTvs8UoU )
In it a technician goes over the workings of "ThingLab's" Mephisto 3D scanner its basically a point and shoot 3d scanner / camera. After looking at something like this it really opened my eyes as to what virtual reality will be in the future. Imagine being able to explore fully scanned environments done in that kind of detail and precision, it would be absolutely as close as a person could get to experiencing a virtual world that exactly matches real life. The possibilities really are endless and if this kind of technology is a glimpse of things to come it should be pretty amazing.

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